EDIT: I made such a stupid mistake, forgive me. I accidently forgot to put Text on one of the lines. Such a stupid mistake I made
I am making this gold giver GUI for my best friend, dragonmaster4111, after his Chatted gold giver broke :c
I have a script that changes your gold into how much you put in the textbox Here is the script:
enter = script.Parent GoldGiver = script.Parent.Parent.GoldGiver enter.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() local stats = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") if stats ~= nil then local goldstat = stats:FindFirstChild("Gold") if goldstat ~= nil then goldstat.Value = tonumber(script.Parent.Parent.GoldGiver.Text) end end end)
The only problem is that whenever I press enter with a number inside the box, the value of my gold becomes 0, and I didn't even put 0! Help?