I want to insert two random players into a table, and check if they are in the table before they are put in, so that noone is put in the table twice. I have tried making this script, but I have no idea if it works.
if #contestants == 8 or #contestants == 9 or #contestants == 10 then for _, randomplayers in pairs(2 * math.random(1, #contestants)) do if randomplayers and randomplayers.Health > 0 then table.insert(robber, randomplayers) end end
It is best to create a function to see if a value is in the table.
function InTable(tab,val) for _,n in pairs(tab) do if n == val then return true end end end if contestants == 8 or contestants == 9 or contestants == 10 then local RandomPlayer = contestants[math.random(1,#contestants)] if not InTable(robber,RandomPlayer) then table.insert(robber,RandomPlayer) end end
I believe I have solved it! If anyone else is wondering about the same thing, here is the script I made. Not sure if it works yet but I havee my fingers crossed (:
if #contestants == 8 or #contestants == 9 or #contestants == 10 then local randomplayer1 = contestants[math.random(1, #contestants)] while true do local randomplayer2 = contestants[math.random(1, #contestants)] if randomplayer2 ~= randomplayer1 then table.insert(robber, randomplayer1, randomplayer2) break end end