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Playing Random Animations?

Asked by
yoshiegg6 176
9 years ago

I'm trying to make random animations every time someone equips a tool in local script but it's not working, any idea whats wrong with this?

Edit: fixed it, is this good?

local animations = {"127487", "242579", "189476", "247846"}

function test()
animation ="Animation",  script.Parent.Parent.Parent)
animation.AnimationID = ""..animations[math.random.(1, #animations)]"
AT = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)


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Answered by
Perci1 4988 Trusted Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

Your first and most obvious problem is that you left out an end that must close all functions. Function format:

function funcName(parameters)

Second, you try to use math.random, but it's inside a string! A string is just a collection of characters -- it doesn't tell the computer do to anything. Therefore, any code you have as a string will not be executed. You also did the link wrong -- there should be no slash after asset. You also have an unneeded dot by math.random.

Correct concatenation:

""..math.random(1, #animations)

--You may need the http in the front.
""..math.random(1, #animations)

However, this still won't work. math.random returns a number, so after all the code is read you'll end up with something like,


which is not what you want. What we need to do is get the value from the table that corresponds with the random number.

animations[math.random(1, #animations)]

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