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How do I insert a script and edit the script? [Closed] [closed]

Asked by 11 years ago

I use"Script", workspace) But how do I edit it? When I insert the script with khols admin I can not edit the script. Please tell me how.. Say if I wanted to insert a script into my character's head with khol's admin. I would do :s"Script", game.Workspace.fireboltofdeath.Head) But how can I edit that script?

2 This should provide some insight on the topic. Aethex 256 — 11y
Thank you... fireboltofdeath 635 — 11y

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Answered by 11 years ago

Double click on the script in Explorer. Open explorer with the View Menu. You can also go: Insert>Advanced Objects>Script. That's how I do it.

Hope I helped

No. I mean't with khols admin if I were to insert a script with a script how could I edit it? I know basic scripting.... fireboltofdeath 635 — 11y
IDK then, I have never ever used Kohls admin NinjoOnline 1146 — 11y
I made a quick brick and quick script plugin so I don't need to do that OR I right click>Basic Objects>Script>Double Click< fireboltofdeath 635 — 11y