Well, the title may be simpler than it is. I've worked on this script that should change a Model's appearance on command. When I do, the script runs full through with no errors, but the Model's appearance doesn't change. Any tips?
local asset = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=" local Team = "Really blue" local Prefix = "!" -- Prefix: "!char 1" local ChangeChar = game.Workspace["Memorize Me"] Characters = { {145379994,114305180,16630147}; -- Following order: Shirt ID (Make sure to -1), Pants ID (Make Sure to Minus one), Hat ID (You don't need to minus) } game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p) p.Chatted:connect(function(msg) print('1') if p.TeamColor == BrickColor.new(Team) then print('2') local cmd = string.sub(msg,1,5) local number = string.sub(msg,7) print('3') if cmd == Prefix.."char" then print('4') if (tonumber(string.sub(msg,7)) <= #Characters) then print('5') for i,v in pairs(ChangeChar:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Hat") then v:Destroy() end end print ('6') ChangeChar.Shirt.ShirtTemplate = asset..Characters[(tonumber(string.sub(msg,7)))][1] -- Doesn't change print('7') ChangeChar.Pants.PantsTemplate = asset..Characters[tonumber(string.sub(msg,7))][2] print('8') game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(Characters[tonumber(string.sub(msg,7))][3]):GetChildren()[1].Parent = ChangeChar print('9') end end end end) end)