My script goes a certain length, then stops. Here it is:
while wait() do if game.Workspace.Text1Ready.Value == true then script.Parent.Text1.Visible = true for i = 1, string.len("Commander: Hello Soldier, are you ready?") do wait(0.1) script.Parent.Text1.Text = string.sub("Commander: Hello Soldier, are you ready?", 1, i) end game.Workspace.Talking.Value = false script.Parent.Text2.Visible = true script.Parent.Text2.Text = "CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE" script.Parent.DarkScreen.Visible = true game.Workspace.Typewrite:Stop() game.Workspace.Text1Ready.Value = false script.Parent.DarkScreen.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() game.Workspace.Text2Ready.Value = true script.Parent.Text2.Visible = false end) end if game.Workspace.Text2Ready.Value == true then game.Workspace.Typewrite:Play() script.Parent.DarkScreen.Visible = false for i= 1, string.len("Commander: Because if not, we can take you back to where you came from.") do wait(0.1) script.Parent.Text1.Text = string.sub("Commander: Because if not, we can take you back to where you came from.", 1, i) end wait(4) for i= 1, string.len("Commander: If you want to go weewee in your big boy slacks, now's the time.") do wait(0.1) script.Parent.Text1.Text = string.sub("Commander: If you want to go weewee in your big boy slacks, now's the time.", 1, i) -- Stops at 'C' in commander. wait(4) game.Workspace.Text1Ready.Value = false game.Workspace.Loading1.Value = true game.Workspace.Talking.Value = false for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Sound") then v:Stop() end end end script.Parent.Text1.Visible = false script.Parent.Text2.Visible = false end end
First: tab your code correctly
Now, various other style improvements
Now that the code is properly tabbed, we can see there's an obvious problem:
local text = "Commander: If you want to go weewee in your big boy slacks, now's the time." for i = 1, #text do wait(0.1) script.Parent.Text1.Text = text:sub(1, 4) -- Stops at 'C' in commander. wait(4) game.Workspace.Text1Ready.Value = false game.Workspace.Loading1.Value = true game.Workspace.Talking.Value = false for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Sound") then v:Stop() end end end
You're doing a bunch of stuff inside the for
loop for the text. You should be doing it after the for
loop (this is why we tab our code correctly).
You show a message character by character three times (maybe you'll do it more?) so you should use a function to do that:
if game.Workspace.Text2Ready.Value == true then game.Workspace.Typewrite:Play() script.Parent.DarkScreen.Visible = false say("Commander: Because if not, we can take you back to where you came from.") wait(4) say("Commander: If you want to go weewee in your big boy slacks, now's the time.") wait(4) game.Workspace.Text1Ready.Value = false game.Workspace.Loading1.Value = true game.Workspace.Talking.Value = false for _ ,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Sound") then v:Stop() end end script.Parent.Text1.Visible = false script.Parent.Text2.Visible = false end
Now it's not even possible to make the mistake you made before.
I would suggest a different organization for your code. Everything in a big while loop doesn't really capture what you want to do. Neither do a new BoolValue for every transition.
Consider doing something like this instead:
function say(text) for i = 1, #text do wait(0.1) script.Parent.Text1.Text = text:sub(1, i) end end function scene1() script.Parent.Text1.Visible = true say("Command: Hello Soldier, are you ready?") game.Workspace.Talking.Value = false script.Parent.Text2.Visible = true script.Parent.Text2.Text = "CLICK ANYWHERE TO CONTINUE" script.Parent.DarkScreen.Visible = true game.Workspace.Typewrite:Stop() script.Parent.DarkScreen.MouseButton1Down:wait() script.Parent.Text2.Visible = false end function scene2() game.Workspace.Typewrite:Play() script.Parent.DarkScreen.Visible = false say("Commander: Because if not, we can take you back to where you came from.") wait(4) say("Commander: If you want to go weewee in your big boy slacks, now's the time.") wait(4) game.Workspace.Loading1.Value = true game.Workspace.Talking.Value = false for _ ,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do if v:IsA("Sound") then v:Stop() end end script.Parent.Text1.Visible = false script.Parent.Text2.Visible = false end scene1() scene2()