--Dusty Road local p = script.Parent p.Touched:connect(function(hit) local dust = Instance.new("Part", p) dust.Transparency = 1 dust.Anchored = true dust.CanCollide = false dust.Size = Vector3.new(1,0.5,1) if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then dust.CFrame = hit.Parent["Right Leg"].CFrame + Vector3.new(0,-2,0) local smoke = Instance.new("Smoke", dust) smoke.Color = Color3.new(84, 61, 16)--For some reason the smoke is white not brown smoke.Size = 0.3 smoke.RiseVelocity = 0.2 smoke.Opacity = 0.5 wait(0.8) dust:Destroy() end end)
Color3 takes in a decimal value between 0 and 1.
To apply this, simply divide all values by 255.
As a result, it should be:
Color3.new(84/255, 61/255, 16/255)