So, I am not sure whats going wrong in this, i've been trying a while to fix this. What I want is it to connect to trello, and if the Player = a person in trello (ON A CARD) then it will just end. But if they are NOT on the trello card then the gui will remove.
Storage = game:GetService("ServerStorage") RStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage") Teams = game.Teams Denied = {} Access = {} -- function checkOkToLetIn(name) for i = 1,#Access do if (string.upper(name) == string.upper(Access[i])) then return true end end return false end if (checkOkToLetIn(script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name)) then print("Completed") else script.Parent:remove() end function GetPlr(plr, str) local plrz = {} str = str:lower() if str == "all" then plrz = game.Players:children() elseif str == "others" then for i, v in pairs(game.Players:children()) do if v ~= plr then table.insert(plrz, v) end end else local sn = {1} local en = {} for i = 1, #str do if str:sub(i,i) == "," then table.insert(sn, i+1) table.insert(en,i-1) end end for x = 1, #sn do if (sn[x] and en[x] and str:sub(sn[x],en[x]) == "me") or (sn[x] and str:sub(sn[x]) == "me") then table.insert(plrz, plr) elseif (sn[x] and en[x] and str:sub(sn[x],en[x]) == "random") or (sn[x] and str:sub(sn[x]) == "random") then table.insert(plrz, game.Players:children()[math.random(#game.Players:children())]) elseif (sn[x] and en[x] and str:sub(sn[x],en[x]):sub(1,4) == "team") then if game:findFirstChild("Teams") then for a, v in pairs(game.Teams:children()) do if v:IsA("Team") and str:sub(sn[x],en[x]):sub(6) ~= "" and v.Name:lower():find(str:sub(sn[x],en[x]):sub(6)) == 1 then for q, p in pairs(game.Players:children()) do if p.TeamColor == v.TeamColor then table.insert(plrz, p) end end break end end end elseif (sn[x] and str:sub(sn[x]):sub(1,4):lower() == "team") then if game:findFirstChild("Teams") then for a, v in pairs(game.Teams:children()) do if v:IsA("Team") and str:sub(sn[x],en[x]):sub(6) ~= "" and v.Name:lower():find(str:sub(sn[x]):sub(6)) == 1 then for q, p in pairs(game.Players:children()) do if p.TeamColor == v.TeamColor then table.insert(plrz, p) end end break end end end else for a, plyr in pairs(game.Players:children()) do if (sn[x] and en[x] and str:sub(sn[x],en[x]) ~= "" and plyr.Name:lower():find(str:sub(sn[x],en[x])) == 1) or (sn[x] and str:sub(sn[x]) ~= "" and plyr.Name:lower():find(str:sub(sn[x])) == 1) or (str ~= "" and plyr.Name:lower():find(str) == 1) then table.insert(plrz, plyr) break end end end end end return plrz end -- function recursive(source, t) if t == nil then t = {} end for _,v in pairs(source:GetChildren()) do table.insert(t, v) recursive(v, t) end return t end -- function CheckVIP(plr) for i,v in pairs(Access)do if(string.lower(plr.Name)==string.lower(v))then return true end end end -- function CheckBan(plr) for i,v in pairs(Blacklist)do if(string.lower(plr.Name)==string.lower(v))then return true end end end function BlacklistChecker(Player) for i,v in pairs(MVIP)do if Player.Name:lower() == v:lower() then --print(Player.Name) --print(v) return true end end end -- function Search(Player) pr = game.Players:GetPlayers() for i = 1, #pr do if string.match(string.lower(pr[i].Name),Player) then plr = pr[i] return plr.Name else return false end end end -- function GetTime() local hour = math.floor((tick()%86400)/60/60) local min = math.floor(((tick()%86400)/60/60-hour)*60) if min < 10 then min = "0"..min end return hour..":"..min end -- function Date(secs) local Days = secs/86400 - 365*2 local TotalDays = math.floor(Days) local LeapCycles = math.floor(Days /1461) local ExtraYears = math.floor((Days % 1461)/365) local Year = LeapCycles * 4 + ExtraYears local ExtraDays = TotalDays - LeapCycles * 1461 - ExtraYears * 365 local Months = {{"Jan", 31}, {"Feb" , (ExtraYears == 0 and 29) or 28}, {"Mar", 31}, {"Apr", 30}, {"May", 31}, {"Jun", 30}, {"Jul", 31}, {"Aug", 31}, {"Sep", 30}, {"Oct", 31}, {"Nov", 30}, {"Dec", 31}} local CurrentDate local Hour = math.floor((secs % 86400)/3600) local Minute = math.floor((secs % 3600)/60) local Second = math.floor(secs % 60) local TwelveH = Hour % 12 for i,v in pairs(Months) do if v[2] < ExtraDays then ExtraDays = ExtraDays - v[2] else CurrentDate = v[1] .. " " .. ExtraDays .. ", " break end end local TotalDate = CurrentDate .. (Year + 1972).. ", " .. (TwelveH >= 10 and "" or "0") .. TwelveH .. ":" .. (Minute >= 10 and "" or "0").. Minute .. ":" .. (Second >= 10 and "" or "0") .. Second .. ((Hour >= 12 and " PM") or " AM") return TotalDate end -- function ClearTable(tbl) for i,v in pairs(tbl) do table.remove(tbl,i) end end function runtrelloupdater() local httpser=game:service('HttpService') local get=httpser:GetAsync('',true) local tabel=httpser:JSONDecode(get) ClearTable(Access) for i,v in pairs(tabel) do if'^GUI%s?$') then local getcard=httpser:GetAsync('''/cards',true) local tabal=httpser:JSONDecode(getcard) for l,k in pairs(tabal) do table.insert(Access, --print( end elseif'^Denied%s?$') then local getcard=httpser:GetAsync('''/cards',true) local tabal=httpser:JSONDecode(getcard) ClearTable(Denied) for l,k in pairs(tabal) do table.insert(Denied, --print( end end end end runtrelloupdater() while wait(30) do runtrelloupdater() print("GUI Synced " .. Date(tick())) end
Please dont steal the script either!
Thank you in advanced if somone helps me!