local GUI = script.IntroGUI:clone() GUI.Parent = player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui") local Frame = GUI.Frame local Text = Frame.TextLabel local pic = Frame.TextLabel.ImageLabel local ClassicLoad = Frame.ClassicLoadFrame local LoadText = ClassicLoad.LoadText local music = Instance.new("Sound") Text.Visible = false pic.Visible = false music.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=193528674" music.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer repeat wait() until player.Character player.Character.Torso.Anchored = true Text.TextTransparency = 1 pic.ImageTransparency = 1 Text.Text = NameOfGame Text.Visible = true pic.Visible = true music:Play() Percent = 0 wait(5) if ClassicLoading == true then ClassicLoad:TweenSize(UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, 200), "Out", "Quad", 5) while Percent < 100 do Percent = Percent + 1 LoadText.Text = Percent .. "%" wait(5/100) end wait(1) while ClassicLoad.BackgroundTransparency < 1 do ClassicLoad.BackgroundTransparency = ClassicLoad.BackgroundTransparency + 0.05 LoadText.TextTransparency = LoadText.TextTransparency + 0.05 wait() end wait(1) end while Text.TextTransparency > 0 do Text.TextTransparency = Text.TextTransparency - .05 pic.ImageTransparency = pic.ImageTransparency - .05 wait(.05) end wait(5) player.Character.Torso.Anchored = false while Frame.BackgroundTransparency ~= 1 do Text.Position = UDim2.new(.5, 0, .25, 0) if RotationMode == true then Text.Rotation = Text.Rotation + 30 end if ShakeMode == true then Text.Position = Text.Position + UDim2.new(0, math.random(-10, 10), 0, math.random(-10, 10)) end Frame.BackgroundTransparency = Frame.BackgroundTransparency + .05 Text.TextTransparency = Text.TextTransparency + .05 pic.ImageTransparency = pic.ImageTransparency + .05 wait(.05) music.Volume = 0.8 wait(.05) music.Volume = 0.6 wait(.05) music.Volume = 0.4 wait(.05) music.Volume = 0.2 wait(0.05) music:Stop() end end game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(added)
I looked it up and result is nothing I was a bit lazy that I had to look for plugins that made this. I modded it a little to support the picture and the sounds
Please cut the excess parts of the script out. The parts that are irrelevant to sound playing. Also, you should use Clone() instead of clone(). Since clone() is a deprecated method and it doesn't look as good as Clone()