Detect=workspace.Part.ClickDetector Brick=workspace.Part function putBrickValueInInventory(player), 255, 255) local Brick2=Brick:Clone() Brick2.Parent=game.ServerStorage Brick:remove() end function Lol() local BackIG=game.ServerStorage.Part:Clone() BackIG.Parent=game.Workspace local PP=game.Players.Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end Detect.MouseClick:connect(putBrickValueInInventory) game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(Lol)
It works up to when I click the brick, it clones the brick into the ServerStorage, but the color of the TextButton in the Gui, doesn't change color. Also, when I click the button, it doesnt put the brick back into the workspace. Help please?
First, there are a lot of problems.
Detect isn't needed because when the Brick is cloned all the children in the brick. Children are objects inside of the brick in the family tree. We need detect for the event, but we could do Brick.ClickDetecter.MouseClick
Now about Color3. Color3 doesn't go up to 255. The only numbers that you can have in a Color3 Value is 1 or 0. To get a number like 135, you need to do this.,135/255,135/255)
. 1 is the same as 255 and 0 is the same as 0.
Another problem is the "PP". What are the chances of a person named "Player" going to join the game? Instead do something like this to choose a random player maybe: game.Players:GetChildren()[math.random(1, #game.Players:GetChildren())]
. If this were a local script you could use local player. But in this case, since function "lol" is a text button you can't actually get the player from there.
Another problem is the variable PP
. Since the variable is a property not an actual value, you need to do this instead. PP=game.Players.Player.Character.Torso
Brick=workspace.Part function putBrickValueInInventory(player),1,1) --Same as 255,255,255 local Brick2=Brick:Clone() Brick2.Parent=game.ServerStorage Brick:Destroy() --Remove doesn't get rid of the brick. If you do Brick.Parent = workspace after Brick:remove() it will still come back. end function Lol() local BackIG=game.ServerStorage.Part:Clone() BackIG.Parent=game.Workspace local PP=game.Players.Player.Character.Torso.CFrame BackIG.Position=PP.Position end Brick.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(putBrickValueInInventory) game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(Lol)
Well, if you want the brick to disappear if the brick is already in:
Brick=workspace.Part function putBrickValueInInventory(player),1,1) --Same as 255,255,255 local Brick2=Brick:Clone() Brick2.Parent=game.ServerStorage Brick:Destroy() --Remove doesn't get rid of the brick. If you do Brick.Parent = workspace after Brick:remove() it will still come back. end function Lol() local BackIG=game.ServerStorage.Part:Clone() if not workspace.Part then BackIG.Parent=game.Workspace local PP=game.Players.Player.Character.Torso.CFrame BackIG.Position=PP.Position else workspace.Part:Destroy() end end Brick.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(putBrickValueInInventory) game.StarterGui.ScreenGui.TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(Lol)
Do some variation of this. Because what are the chances of a part named "Part" and the name is Completely different from other parts names.