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What would the best method to save a tycoon be?

Asked by 10 years ago

Currently I have been working on a massive tycoon, so naturally saving has become an issue. I'm asking what method or concept of saving would strategically be best?

As well to factor in what would be best I'm trying to get it to save and load fairly quickly so I'm not sure if data store would be the best option. If any one has any suggestions please post!

What do you mean by save? Do you mean save the tycoon to the workspace or save the users current stats on that tycoon to a datastone? Bman8765 270 — 10y
I'm guessing by save it means it keeps all the player's buildings in the tycoon when he or she returns. Am I correct? minikitkat 687 — 10y
(Friend of pepstick) He wants you to beable to save then leave. Then when you come back the tycoon loads back where you saved. All the things you bought are there and your cash. YellowoTide 1992 — 10y
The best method we have heard is added an object to a table when it is "bought" then saving that YellowoTide 1992 — 10y
Yeah thanks guys, I'd been working all week so I didn't get a chance to reply, but yes from the looks of it the best way is to simply add the name of every model bought to a table and then saving the table to be retrieved. Thanks! pepstick 10 — 10y

1 answer

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Answered by 9 years ago

Your Problem You need to save your data in your tycoon.

How to Fix? I suggest using Data Persistence as mention in the Roblox Wiki. In tycoons, you use Data Persistence to save money and items purchased. However, there are limits to Data Persistence. Data Persistence does not run on Local Scripts. You cannot share Data Persistence within different places. Also, there is a limit on Data Persistence storage capacity.

Example Code

Example of Data Persistence:

game.Players["Player"]:SaveString("Message", "Hello world!")

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