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Why won't this print anything?

Asked by
funyun 958 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

Somehow this does not print anything at all. It doesn't give me an error message. Pls halp

local x = 2 --x is 2
local msg = "A" --msg is A
local msgbyte = string.byte(msg)--msgbyte is 65

for i = 0, 7 do --All exponents of 2 in the basic binary notation.
    x = x^i --Get the i'th power of x
    if msgbyte/x == math.floor(1) then --if 65 divided by 64 is about 1, then
        print(i) --print the exponent, or the iteration
    x = 2 --Set x back to 2 for the next iteration

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Answered by 10 years ago

You put the math.floor in the wrong place. You said math.floor(1) which is unnecessary because it will always return 1. You should have said math.floor(msgbyte/x) == 1, which rounds msgbyte/x down towards negative infinity. I cleaned up the code for you:

local x = 2 --x is 2
local msg = "A" --msg is A
local msgbyte = string.byte(msg)--msgbyte is 65

for Exp = 0, 7 do --All exponents of 2 in the basic binary notation.
    local newx = x ^ Exp --Get the Exp'th power of x
    if math.floor(msgbyte / newx) == 1 then
        print(i) --print the exponent, or the iteration

Hope this helped!


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