How do I add the TextLabel to this script in order for them to see how much lag is there? Like if it says 255, the TextLabel will say 255 and if it changes, the TextLabel will change as well. This is the script:
runService = game:service("RunService") runService.Stepped:connect(function() frames = frames + 1 end) frames = 0 Result = 0 Color = 0 while true do Result = ((frames/30) - 1) * -1 if (Result < 0) then Result = 0 end Color = (frames/15) * 255 if(Color > 255)then Color = 255 elseif(Color < 0)then Color = 0 end print(Color) script.Parent.Mesh.Scale =,Result,1) script.Parent.Mesh.Offset =,(Result * 3) - 3,0) script.Parent.BrickColor = - Color, Color, 0)) frames = 0 wait(1) end