function InGroup(Player) return Player:IsInGroup("508662") or Player:GetRankInGroup(210856) >= 15 end function onPlayerEntered(newPlayer) newPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(chatmsg) if InGroup(newPlayer) then if chatmsg:sub(1,12):lower() == ("Points Add: "):lower() then local player = game.Players:FindFirstChild(chatmsg:sub(13, chatmsg:len()-3)) local comma = chatmsg:sub(chatmsg:len()-3, chatmsg:len()-1) local number = chatmsg:sub(chatmsg:len()-1, chatmsg:len()) if player and comma == ", " then player.leaderstats["Training Points"].Value = player.leaderstats["Training Points"].Value + tonumber(number) end end end end) end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(onPlayerEntered)
So far, this is the script that I have. I'm pretty sure that I did it correctly, but it doesn't work when I test it. The format for adding points (which are called Training Points) is [Points Add: (PlayerName), (Number)], and there has to be a comma and a space between the player's name and the number. Also, for the leaderboard, the values are already predetermined (the leaderboard works); it's just this script that I can't seem to get to work.