This could be considered as a follow-up to my last question on FilteringEnabled.
I have been looking at RemoteEvents/RemoteFunctions, and I think I get the basic concept of it.
One thing though, I have no clue what a Tuple is. I have looked at the wiki's page about Tuples, and I was confused.
Why do you need 3 periods? What do the periods represent? How do I use these?
And most of all, What do they even do?
Thanks in advance.
In less specific terms, "tuples" are a general extension of "pairs": ordered sequences of things with known length.
Tuples are a really weird and a really nice feature of Lua.
The simplest way that tuples show up is multiple assignment:
apple, banana = 5, 13 print(apple) -- 5 print(banana) -- 13
Lua matches up each thing on the left with a thing on the right.
This goes deeper than that though. We can return
multiple things from a function:
function gets() return 7, 17 end apple, banance = gets() print(apple) -- 7 print(banana) -- 17
Though doing anything to the result will make it only keep the first one:
apple, banana = gets() + 1 print(apple) -- 8 print(banana) -- nil
We can use a few, too:
apple, banana, cat, dog = gets(), gets() print(apple, banana, cat, dog) -- 7, 7, 17, nil
Here, they start where the function started on the right, and the ones to the right "cover up" the ones to the left.
Hence apple
is the first result of the first gets()
, banana
is the first result of the second gets()
and cat
is the second result of the second gets()
We can also use these in definitions of lists:
local t = {1, gets()} print(t[1], t[2], t[3]) -- 1, 7, 17
These are basically just conveniences. There is an interesting function: unpack
local list = {4, 5, 6} local x, a, b, c = 1, unpack(list) print(x, a, b, c) -- 1, 4, 5, 6
This essentially "un-does" the operation of putting tuples inside of a table. ie.
list = { unpack(other) }
Will have the same contents as list other
Consider a function that adds two numbers:
function sum(a, b) return a + b end
What if I want to add more than two numbers?
print( sum(1, sum(2, 3)) ) -- 6
This isn't very nice; what if we add a third parameter?
function sum(a, b, c) return a + b + c end print( sum(1, 2, 3) ) -- 6 print( sum(1, 2) ) -- error
So now we have to change this to support c
being option:
function sum(a, b, c) return a + b + (c or 0) end
What if we wanted to add 4 numbers? Now this starts to get messy. One option is that we instead take a list of numbers:
function sum(list) local s = 0 for _, el in pairs(list) do s = s + el end return s end
But now we can't say sum(1, 2)
, we have to say sum({1, 2})
. What is the solution? Tuples!
function sum(...) local list = {...} for _, el in pairs(list) do s = s + el end return s end
Basically, ...
is a variable -- except it is a tuple, rather than only one value.
Thus list = {...}
will make a list filled with the same arguments that were passed to sum
For good measure, here's a way to use ...
that doesn't involve immediately dumping it into a table:
-- Recursive sum! function sum(first, ...) if not first then return 0 -- sum() == 0 end return first + sum(...) end
A Tuple is an ordered list of elements.
This would be considered a Tuple
as it is a list of elements.
A function that takes a Tuple
is a function that accepts multiple arguments."Part",workspace)
This code takes the Tuple: `"Part",workspace'.
You can use ...
to take an unknown amount of parameters into a function.
function Kill(...) local Player1,Player2,Player3,Player4 = ... end
In the function above ...
acts as a Tuple
So if I call the above function like this:
The function would look like this:
function Kill(...) local Player1,Player2,Player3,Player4 = "Bob", "Joe",Frank end
, Player2
, and Player3
would be assigned to "Bob", "Joe" and Frank"
Player4' would be nil
Well what if I inputed more than 4 arguments into the above function? In the above example any additional arguments would be ignored unless they are assigned to a variable.
This can be fixed by using a table:
function Kill(...) local Players = {...} end Kill(Frank,Bob,Joe)
This would look like:
function Kill(...) local Players = {Frank,Bob,Joe} end Kill(Frank,Bob,Joe)
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