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How do you make a humanoid that is removed when touching a certain gear?

Asked by 10 years ago

I need to know how to make a NPC that is removed when touching a certain gear in game and then re-appear after a minute

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Answered by
Hexcede 52
10 years ago

LargeVIII, Heres your code:

local human = script.Parent.Parent
    if hit.Parent.Name == "Gear Name" then -- Change Gear Name to whatever the name of the gear should be.
        children = human:GetChildren() -- A table of the children in the human
        for i,child in pairs(children) do -- Simple loop
            if child:IsA("BasePart") then -- Don't change BasePart to anything
                child.Transparency = 1 -- Makes it invisible
                child.Anchored = true -- Makes sure that it doesn't fall out of the world
                child.CanCollide = false -- Makes it so that it can go through stuff
        wait(time) -- change time to the time it is gone
        for i,child in pairs(children) do -- Simple loop
            if child:IsA("BasePart") then -- Don't change BasePart to anything
                child.Transparency = 0 -- Makes it visible
                child.Anchored = true -- Makes it unfrozen
                child.CanCollide =true -- Makes it so that it can't go through stuff

Make sure you put that in the part of the human you want to be the activator e.g, the torso of the humanoid. Sincerely, crazycittykat


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