The TextButton is supposed to teleport a player to one of five positions, remove the TextButton so they can't TP away if they're about to die, FF them for 5 seconds, and then give them a tool "EnergySword" which is located in lighting. Everything works except for giving the tool part
wait() math.randomseed(tick()) local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() player.Character:MoveTo(workspace['spawn'..math.random(5)].Position) script.Parent.Visible = false local f ='ForceField',player.Character) coroutine.wrap(function() wait(5) f:Remove() end)() end) script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(player) local EnergySword = game.Lighting.EnergySword:Clone() game.Lighting["EnergySword"]:clone().Parent = player:FindFirstChild("Backpack") end)
I think the problem is that you declared player as a variable and a parameter. I suggest changing player to plr for the parameter for this line:
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