So I'm trying to make a code GUI where it will give you the correct amount of money if you guess a certain code, and messages if you already used that code/guessed the wrong one.
It doesn't work, and I have no idea why. Output wasn't helpful. Can someone please help me?
Here's the script:
local plr = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent local stats = plr:WaitForChild("leaderstats") local currency = stats:WaitForChild("Money") local tag = plr:WaitForChild("CodeTag") local amount = 10000 local codeval = "Hello" local code = script.Parent.Parent.Code function clickOk() if code.Text == codeval and tag.Value == false then code.Text = "Success!" currency.Value = currency.Value + amount tag.Value= true elseif tag.Value == true and code.Text == codeval then code.Text = "Already Used!" elseif code.Text ~= codeval then code.Text = "Try Again!" end end script.Parent.MouseButton1Click:connect(clickOk)
(Everything is defined)
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