[!!] Im NOT asking for a request. (Obv) [!!]
Anyways.. This runs fast and fairly smooth, but the problem is, when I walk the the parts in a cirle around my head they lag and I dont like that, at all. I would like them to not skip some vector3'ing to get to there position. I had someone look at this a couple days ago and he just told me "#CamelRotation2015".
Can anyone help me making this not so laggy when talking or at least show me a few points of slowness?
local Rot1 = .1 local Rot2 = .001 local LerpRot = .03 function ConnectTablets() coroutine.wrap(function() for _, Player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do local CurrentTabs = {} local Character_Pos = nil for Index,Tablet in next,Gravity_V4._Tablets do if(not(Tablet.Tab and Tablet.Tab:isDescendantOf(workspace)))then ypcall(game.destroy,Tablet.Tab); table.remove(Gravity_V4._Tablets,Index); elseif(Tablet.Plr==Player.userId)then table.insert(CurrentTabs,Tablet); end; end; pcall(function() if Player.Character.Parent ~= nil and Player.Character.Torso.Parent ~= nil then Rot1=Rot1+Rot2 pcall(function() Character_Pos = CFrame.new(Player.Character:WaitForChild("Head").CFrame.p) end) local run,error = ypcall(function() for i,v in pairs(CurrentTabs) do if v.Tab.Parent ~= nil and v.Plr == Player.userId then local Radius1 = CFrame.new(0,0,-4.5-#CurrentTabs) local Radius2 = Radius1*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(25),0,0) local cfr = Character_Pos*CFrame.Angles(.001,math.rad((i*(360/#CurrentTabs))+Rot1),0)*Radius2 -- 360/#Gravity_V4._Tablets local Pos = v.Tab.CFrame.p Pos = Pos:Lerp(cfr.p,LerpRot) v.Tab.CFrame = CFrame.new(Pos)*v.Gyro.cframe v.Gyro.cframe = v.Gyro.cframe*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(.1),math.rad(.1),math.rad(.1)) end end end) if not run then print(error) end end end) end end)() end