So, I've found a camera thing on free models, And basically it spins round a block until someone presses a button on a GUI. However, the button does not seem to be working..
local target=Workspace.ViewBlock local camera=Workspace.Camera camera.CameraSubject=target local angle=5 while wait() do * CFrame.Angles(0,angle,0) *,0,-16) angle=angle+math.rad(.2) end
This script is copied into StarterPlayer and StarterPack and is a normal script
script.Parent.MouseEnter:connect(function() script.Parent.TextColor3 ='Light stone grey').Color end) script.Parent.MouseLeave:connect(function() script.Parent.TextColor3 ='Institutional white').Color end) function onButton1Down() wait() local zcam = Workspace.Camera zcam.CameraSubject=game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid zcam.CameraType="Custom" wait (0.1) script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Backpack.CamFix:remove() script.Parent.Parent:remove() end script.Parent.MouseButton1Down:Connect(onButton1Down)
Is a local script inside the button...
So basically, What am I doing wrong to make the GUI disappear and the camera stop spinning? Thanks in advance! c:
When my brother was coding this, it was very difficult. It took him around 3 days to perfect it. I think I can get him to help you. His username on ROBLOX is bobafett3544. Message him and ask him to help, he comes on every day.
He created an invisible part on the map somewhere and created a script that would make the camera rotate around the part. He then made a GUI button that would disable the camera movement. The screen fades to black, then fades back in, and you have all your normal GUIs and your camera follows your character, as normal. Just a method of doing it if you don't feel like contacting him.