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Is there an event to wait for a Decal to load?

Asked by 10 years ago

So I have a lot of full-screen ImageLabels in a place and I want to make sure that if one has to appear and another fade out there won't be any loading time (basically waiting for the Decal to appear when it should already be there). I'm mostly concerned with this issue because I've seen it before on actual Decals and also because I'm trying to create a picture-based cutscene in-game, and if any Decal-buffering happens it'll be completely ruined. I did try and see if it worked in Play Solo and it did, but I'm not sure about large-scale sequences with 50 or more of these pictures. Is there some kind of event that waits for images to load? I know these exist for things like Character and Player so I figure it's a possibility.

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Answered by 10 years ago

If you want the decal's image to load as soon as it can, you will need to use the preload function to do so. Check out the wiki page by clicking here.


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