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Script completely crashes game?

Asked by 10 years ago

It's 6am and I've been working all night on this project of mine, I hope I can get some assistance.

This script appears to completely crash the game, on the second if statement. Heat gets to 49, and studio just flat out stops. Didn't break until I put the first if statement in, which was added when I wanted it to be able to tell if the heat was lower than that value as well.

Heat is a numvalue, shield-related parts are parts and unions, zap are deadly scripts.

Any help?

h ='Hint') local Shield,KillShield,KillShield2 = script.Parent.Shield, script.Parent.KillShield, script.Parent.KillShield2 local Heat = workspace.Generator.Core.Heat local Node = workspace.Generator.Node while true do if Heat.Value < 50 then wait(1) h.Parent = game.Workspace h.Text = "[ Generator Heat: " .. Heat.Value .. " ]" Shield.Transparency = 0.8 KillShield.Zap.Disabled = false KillShield2.Zap.Disabled = false else if Heat.Value >= 50 then h.Text = "[ WARNING: Generator Overheated! ]" Shield.Transparency = 1 KillShield.Zap.Disabled = true KillShield2.Zap.Disabled = true end end end

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