Hallo! So I have recently encountered an error with a morph I have created. It works fine in normal test mode in Roblox Studio but when I tested it in the server, It instantly kills me when I step on the morph button. After some testing I found that the humanoid was the problem. I deleted that and it worked fine. The problem is my morph has clothes on it. Without clothes, it just isn't the same. I while ago when I made the morph, I figured out a way that would keep the clothes on the morph while having a humanoid in a separate model. Hard to explain but here is what I am talking about: http://i.imgur.com/vp9JCDi.png This only works because it creates a mesh in the arm and allows me to put clothes on it. It would not work if the humanoid was out of the arm model. I am asking if there is any way I can have the arm mesh, and have clothes able to be put on it without a humanoid in the model.
Thanks ~Minikitkat