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Script for a GUI? [closed]

Asked by 9 years ago

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Script for a GUI?

I inserted a GUI in the Starter GUI, and in the GUI I inserted a text button called ''Jobs''. I want a script for that text button, when you click it to show up another GUI from the Starter GUI. Can you help me? I tried this: function OnClick() shop = script.Parent.Parent ----- Edit this shop.Visible = not shop.Visible end end


Is it all right?

Please add the code into a LUA Code Block... TheArmoredReaper 173 — 9y
Do not duplicate your question. Redbullusa 1580 — 9y

Marked as Duplicate by Spongocardo, Redbullusa, and BlueTaslem

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Answered by 9 years ago

You might refer to something like this, maybe

function OnClick()
    shop = script.Parent.Parent -- Edit this
    shop.Visible = not shop.Visible


First thing. Where are you trying to Parent the "shop" variable? If it's like you wrote above, then you're refering to a ScreenGui, right? Unless the button is under a Frame object.

Second. Why are you trying to make the Gui invisible by changing its value to "not shop.Visible"? It should be shop.Visible = false

Third. Why are there 2 "ends"? You only created 1 block (the function), so there's no need for a second end.

It should look like this

function onClick()
    Shop = script.Parent.Parent -- Now it refers to the ScreenGui
    Shop.Visible = false -- We make the first ScreenGui invisible
    Shop2 = game.StarterGui.Shop2 -- A second ScreenGui with the rest of the options
    Shop2.Visible = true -- We make the second ScreenGui visible
