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How to add cards to a Trello List via Roblox?

Asked by 10 years ago

So, I have been recently attempting to write a script that would be used for group "applications." The applicants would fill in a GUI that would then send the answers to a Trello card where the group admins could review the applications. I would post a bunch of code, but honestly they were all completely failed attempts. I do not have any basis to work on, basically, I don't have an error in my code, I just have no idea how to code what I'm attempting to do. All I know, is that to add a card you need to use EncodeJSON in some way... other than that I'm lost.. Any help is appreciated, I really just need a link to a tutorial or even just a pointer. Thanks again!

For starters : You would need to use datastore OR postasync. MessorAdmin 598 — 10y
This would be extremely hard, 2 dont bother with something that you cant do. 3 we are not gonna make a script for you NinjoOnline 1146 — 10y
@Ninjo When did I ask for you to make me a script? I am perfectly capable of writing scripts myself. "I really just need a link to a tutorial or even just a pointer." Doesn't sound like I am asking for a specific script? Just help. Please think before you lodge random allegations. iRealizm 25 — 10y

1 answer

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Answered by 10 years ago

People Are Sad No Helping I Personally Would Try To Help But I Cant Sorry I Am Using The Same Thing You Are Doing But If You Want Guests Not To Enter I'll Give You This Link To Take A Script From A Roblox Friend Berezaa This Is A Script That Has Been Used For The Training Sessions PM Me If You Have Furtherer Problems Do Not Forget To Have Fun With This Script Do Not Forget To Credit Berezaa And ChooChooExpresso (Me)


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