Im trying to make matches that will light a fire. Ive created a local script in the tool to do that. For some reason when I click on the fire with my matches nothing is happening. The Firepit is a model named "Fire" and there is an invisible part named "FirePart" within that model. When i click on it I want it to light the FirePart within the Fire Model. Can you help me? Anyone?
Here is the code.
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local mouse = player:GetMouse() function onEquipped() print("Matches") end script.Parent.Equipped:connect(onEquipped) function onActivate() if mouse.Target == game.Workspace.Fire then local f ="Fire", mouse.Target.Fire.FirePart) end end script.Parent.Activated:connect(onActivate)
will be the part that you are hovering over.
A simpler onActivate
function to light anything you click on on fire would be this:
function onActivate()"Fire", mouse.Target) end
If we want to limit it to parts in the "FirePit" model, we should probably check the .Parent
of mouse.Target
function onActivate() local target = mouse.Target if target and target.Parent == workspace.FirePit then -- target is a part in the FirePit model"Fire", target) end end
Now, we want to specifically add the fire only to that one part, so we just change the parent to be the FirePart:
function onActivate() local target = mouse.Target if target and target.Parent == workspace.FirePit then -- target is a part in the FirePit model"Fire", workspace.FirePit.FirePart) end end
Or, equivalently
function onActivate() local target = mouse.Target if target and target.Parent == workspace.FirePit then -- target is a part in the FirePit model"Fire", target.Parent.FirePart) end end
If you wanted to have more than one model that you can light on fire, then we might as well just check for things named "FirePart" in the same model:
function onActivate() local target = mouse.Target if target and target.Parent:FindFirstChild("FirePart") then"Fire", target.Parent.FirePart) end end