Well I tried to spawn with the tools from the script and it helped but when I spawned the tools were selected while I didn' t select the tools and I can't use them anymore. I think it bugged after the latest ROBLOX update. Here is the script, can you please tell me what I have to fix?
adminlist = {"CenteringParty"}--Put the names of the people you want to get the tools in here tools = {} for a,b in ipairs(game.Lighting.Deidara:GetChildren()) do if b.className == "Tool" or b.className == "HopperBin" then table.insert(tools,b:clone()) end end game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(guy) if guy.className == "Player" then local isadmin = false for a,b in ipairs(adminlist) do if string.lower(b) == string.lower(guy.Name) then isadmin = true end end if isadmin == false then return end guy.Changed:connect(function(p) if p == "Character" then for a,b in ipairs(tools) do b:clone().Parent = guy.Backpack end end end) end end)
This is a ROBLOX Update problem. I'm not sure if something was changed with Lua or tools but another game was effected by this. The game Fairy Tail Online Fighting also has had this problem with Tools in your invo automatically set as equipped while you're not using this tool. I would think you must wait for it to be fixed or go to roblox Wiki