I am a fairly good scripter but stumbling apon this script that does not seem do execute/work.
ran = math.random(1,100) game.Players.DhatBoiiPapi:Chatted(function(msg) local hint=Instance.new("Hint") if msg=="/Random/Numbers" then hint.Parent=game.Workspace hint.Text="Random Number chosen is :"..ran.." !" wait(5) hint.Parent=nil end end)
Help would be acknowledged
The only thing I notice is that the 'random number' will be the same every time since you put it at the beggining of the script, if you put it after line 2 then you would get a new number every time. Also I would put instead of making the hint's parent nill I would do: hint:Destroy().
Repaired Version
ran = math.random(1,100) game.Players["DhatBoiiPapi"]:Chatted(function(msg) if msg:lower()=="randomnumbers" then local hint=Instance.new("Hint") ran = math.random(1,100) hint.Parent=Workspace hint.Text="Random Number chosen is :"..ran.." !" wait(5) hint.Parent=nil end end)