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Simple BackgroundColor3 Problem?

Asked by
Qorm 100
10 years ago

Hi. I'm extremely new to GUI's and decently new to scripting as well. So I'm currently training on being better at making GUI's. Anyway, here's my problem:

while true and wait(1) do

I thought this would add 5 to Red every 1 second, but BackgroundColor3 is an unknown value. If I put "" instead, it says "new" is not a valid member. I have searched for a while and found no answers or example scripts.

If you could help me with the obvious solution it would be appreciated! Thanks anyway.

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
10 years ago

BackgroundColor3 is a Color3 value. There isn't a separate thing called a "BackgroundColor3" -- that's just the property's name. The constructor for a Color3 is simply

I also doubt you want to multiply the colors like that.

Another warning:, g, b) has the three parameters between 0 and 1 rather than 0 and 255 like it shows in the Properties tab.


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