for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character) character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") print("4") character.Humanoid.Died:wait() print("4.5") if character.Humanoid:FindFirstChild("creator") then print("5") local tag = character.Humanoid.creator local tColor = player.TeamColor local kColor = tag.Value.TeamColor if not kColor then return end if not tColor then return end print("6") if tColor ~= kColor then if kColor =="Lime green") then greenscore.Value = greenscore.Value + 1 elseif kColor =="New Yeller") then yellowscore.Value = yellowscore.Value + 1 end end end end) end)) end
When a player dies and is added back to the workspace it prints 4 but it does print 5 after it trys to find creator. Please help. Im just want this script to check when a player dies and give the team who killed the player a point, like paintball or something i guess
No error in output, just a bunch of 4's