I am trying to do mainly 3 things 1. Award a badge to the player if he/she does not have it 2. Give the player a random number 1-4 3. Save that number I think the mistake is obvious since it is my first time using the DataStoreService, anyways, the mistake is that when I try to print the value, what comes out is nil
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) local Badge=game:GetService("BadgeService") local ID=Player.userId local ID=(tostring(ID)) if not Badge:UserHasBadge(ID,208585099) then Badge:AwardBadge(ID,208585099) local DataStore= game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore(Player.Name) local Random=math.random(1,4) print(Random) DataStore:SetAsync(Player,Random) print(DataStore:GetAsync(Player)) else local DataStore= game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore(Player.Name) local RealRandom=DataStore:GetAsync(ID) print(RealRandom) end end)