So the timer script is supposed to stop once everything reaches 0. However, it doesn't, and I don't know why. The script is pretty crude, so that could be a problem. Can someone please help me?
Here's the script (Yes, everything is defined):
local Seconds = script.Parent.Seconds local Minutes = script.Parent.Minutes while true do if script.Parent.TimesUp.Value == false then Seconds.Value = Seconds.Value - 1 if Seconds.Value == 0 and script.Parent.TimesUp.Value == false then Minutes.Value = Minutes.Value - 1 Seconds.Value = 59 end if Seconds.Value == 10 and Minutes.Value == 0 then script.Parent.Backup.Value = 0 end end if script.Parent.Backup.Value == 0 and Seconds.Value == 0 then script.Parent.TimesUp.Value = true end wait(1) end
The problem is that you are skipping 0 seconds. -- That actually means your "minutes" are 59 seconds long.
Look at line 7 and then 9; now look at line 15.
Like 7-9 say: "If seconds are 0, then seconds will now be 59."
Immediately following, line 15 asks, "are seconds 60?" which will clearly always be no.
I think the solution to fix both of these problems is to change 59
to 60
, and check for 60
or 0
(0 only for when the timer starts at 0 seconds).
If you want a better overall way of doing it, here it is:
Only count in seconds. (If you need to generate a time from a minute, second pair just use 60 * minutes + seconds
We can still get the number of minutes out by using remainder after addition.
Here is what it would look like:
while seconds > 0 do wait(1) seconds = seconds - 1 print( math.floor(seconds / 60) , ":", seconds % 60) -- minutes : seconds end
This should be more efficient (:
local Seconds = script.Parent.Seconds local Minutes = script.Parent.Minutes while true do if script.Parent.TimesUp.Value == false then if Seconds.Value > 0 then Seconds.Value = Seconds.Value -1 elseif Seconds.Value <= 0 and Minutes.Value >= 1 then Minutes.Value = Minutes.Value - 1 Seconds.Value = 59 elseif Seconds.Value <=0 and Minutes.Value <= 0 then script.Parent.TimesUp.Value = true end end wait(1) end