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Way to delete default sound? Foot steps?

Asked by
bloxxyz 274 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

I wanted to add my own custom footsteps, I have the script ready, but is there a way to remove default sounds like the foot steps and jumping etc? Both sounds overlap and I don't want that. I know you can remove leaderboards and chat, and I have done that successfully, but is there a line of code that removes sounds given default by ROBLOX games, or replaces them? I've seen developers do this before and I feel the default roblox sounds are too lively for the game I plan to make.

I hope I'm not asking for too much, if it's more than a few lines of code I'd just like an idea of how I'd do this.

Thank you!

2 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago

Replace the default ID's with the sound you want. So for line 3 you could do:

You can place this as a normal script in the workspace.

01local soundIds = {
03    ["rbxasset://sounds/action_footsteps_plastic.mp3"] = "action_footsteps_plastic.mp3";
13local function fixSound(instance)
14    if (instance:IsA("Sound")) then
15        instance.SoundId = (soundIds[instance.SoundId] or instance.SoundId)
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Answered by
atank1 -2
10 years ago

Try making a loop for after your death! :D

wth CaptainAlien132 225 — 6y

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