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Passcode GUI won't work?

Asked by 10 years ago

Hi, I wanted to make a Passcode GUI for my Place. Everything works but when I enter the password and press the enter key, It wont tell that the password is right or and It wont close the GUI if the password is correct. Heres the script so you can see what mistakes i have done. The script is placed in the StarterPack and the script is a LocalScript.

01code = "EnterCodeHere"
03                          ---DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING!---
04Player = script.Parent.Parent
05Mouse = Player:GetMouse()
06codegui = script.Parent.Parent.StarterGui.CodeGUI
07codeteller = script.Parent.Parent.StarterGui.CodeGUI.Background.PasscodeTeller
08codetype = script.Parent.Parent.StarterGui.CodeGUI.Passcode.TypeCodeHere
10function onKeyDown()
11local key = key.lower()
12    if key:byte() == 13 then -- From this part it stops working...
13        if (codetype == code) then
14            codeteller.Text = "Correct"
15            wait(2)
View all 25 lines...

Thanks! -Chillu4

Are you getting any errors in Output? adark 5487 — 10y
Sorry for the late reply, There is the picture of the OutPut: Chillu4 0 — 10y
The script above is in a LocalScript named "LocalScript" and It is placed in the StarterPack. There is another script inside the GUI which only makes the GUI visible and makes the Player's walkspeed to 0 Chillu4 0 — 10y
Is the "Code Gui" object named "CodeGUI", no space, or "Code GUI" *with* the space? adark 5487 — 10y
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No space. Chillu4 0 — 10y
I don't know why that's erroring then. If your gui is named "CodeGUI" and not "Code GUI", this should be working. adark 5487 — 10y

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Answered by
adark 5487 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

I assume codetype is a TextBox? Line 13 needs to be:

1if (codetype.Text == code) then

I would also suggest adding :

1codetype.Text = ""

Before line 19, inside the else block.

EDIT: Better late than never.

Your problem is that the StarterGui becomes the PlayerGui when it's actually part of a Player. Rename it to that on lines 6, 7 and 8 to fix that.

You can call me dumb but What do you mean by else block? Chillu4 0 — 10y
The block of code between 'else' on line 18 and 'end' on line 22. adark 5487 — 10y
I wanted to use the first code you gave me. But It still does not work. Chillu4 0 — 10y
Sorry for the late reply, There is the picture of the OutPut: Chillu4 0 — 10y
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Thanks but every seems to be fine but the output tells "CodeGUI is not a vaild member of PlayerGui" The Gui's name is Code GUI . Here's the output.  Chillu4 0 — 10y
Hello?? Chillu4 0 — 10y

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