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Changing parts into a Union brick?

Asked by 10 years ago

This script I have it kinda works? But i want it to change anything that touches it into a union part that I have set it to and this just idk. Any suggestions?

1local Union=game.ReplicatedStorage.Union
2local Part=workspace.metal
5    local New=Union:Clone()
6    New.Parent=workspace
7    New.CFrame=Part.CFrame
8    Part:destroy()

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Answered by
Goulstem 8144 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator
10 years ago

Unioning through scripts is not yet available

I have no idea how your code would work, unless the union in ReplicatedStorage was the exact same as the part.

Also, you shouldn't be doing this client sided. Use a server script in the workspace, or the part.

But ultimately what you're attempting to do(what it looks like at least) isn't possible.. maybe elaborate on what you're trying to accomplish here and I can help? Thanks.


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