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Datastoring question [True or false]??

Asked by 10 years ago

I didnt really understand the wiki..

I just would need a true or false statment, and maybe a example if you want to.. c:

--I use datastore for number value's and it work's fine but is Datastore able to save a string value?

1, Is it possible to save a string with datastore?

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Answered by
BlackJPI 2658 Snack Break Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

Yes, you can save strings using data stores. You can not save instances and mixed list tables.


local mixedListTable = {
    [1] = 3 -- The key is a number
    [2] = "A string"
    ["A string"] = 5 -- The key is a string
    [4] = "Another string"

-- Because it has a key that is a string and another that is a number, you will get the error 'keys must be strings'
So will {Player_ID=839839,Chat='wdidjiw'} work? MessorAdmin 598 — 10y
Yes, because it is not a mixed-list table but rather a map-style table BlackJPI 2658 — 10y
Ty! :D MessorAdmin 598 — 10y
Just make sure you set the key properly { [Player_ID] = 839839, [Chat] = 'wdidjiw'} BlackJPI 2658 — 10y

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