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Why do i keep getting an error with this script?

Asked by
nich17 95
10 years ago

i am trying to run a function that uses a clickdetector to start it but i keep getting the error that it was unable to connect the button and the function so whats wrong with the connect line?

1button1e.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(buttonPressed(button1e, floor1, 1, floor1Arrived))

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Answered by
BlackJPI 2658 Snack Break Moderation Voter Community Moderator
10 years ago

You problem with the given code is that you have too many parameters on MouseClick. The only parameter of MouseClick is a pointer to the player who clicked. Also, the parameters of the function do not belong in the connection line, but rather in the function line.

1local button1e = game.Workspace.Button1e -- location of button1e
3function buttonPressed(playerWhoClicked) -- playerWhoClicked is the only possible parameter for the MouseClick function, varaible can be named anything though.
4-- code

I'm not sure how your parameters for buttonPressed in your connection line fit into the script, so I can't really help you there unless you post more of your script.

thank you for the help i did not know that was the only parameter mouseclick could have nich17 95 — 10y

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