I have checked, and rechecked what the problem could be, but sadly I do not see any errors in the code I am using, and the Output says 17:41:52.170 - Workspace.XAdminCommandsX's Admin V1:466: Workspace.XAdminCommandsX's Admin V1:464: attempt to concatenate local 'POS' (a userdata value)
17:41:52.171 - Script 'Workspace.XAdminCommandsX's Admin V1', Line 466 - global Chat
17:41:52.173 - Stack End
'This is apart of a bigger script, and yes, this is my script', but, I do not understand what is means by attempt to concatenate local 'POS' (a userdata value)
when it is supposed to get the Position of a 'Model' type instance, when I test this line of code, print(game.Players.Player1.Character:GetModelCFrame().p)
, the Output says 0.00458194362, 2.93354607, -0.703989267
, the exact position of where I am standing in the Studio Mode, so, I am confused to why it won't work with the command version, here is the script;
if msg:lower():sub(1,4+#Prefix) == Prefix.."pos " then --Line 458 local plrz = GetPlr(plr,msg:sub(5+#Prefix)) for i,v in pairs(plrz) do coroutine.wrap(function() if v and v.Character and v.Character:IsA("Model") and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") and v:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") then local POS = v.Character:GetModelCFrame().p --Line 466, this is where the error is coming from apparently [Yes, I have tried 'v.Character.Torso.CFrame' and 'v.Character.Torso.Position' aswell, but the same error] Hint(v.Name.."'s Character position is "..POS,Services.Players:GetPlayers(),"SYSTEM MESSAGE") end end)() end end --Line 468
I am sorry if this Question is considered Off-Topic, Spam, or Not Constructive, I am just frustrated to why the code is erroring like this.
The error is not on your snippet's line 6, but rather on line 7. Concatenate is a word used to describe the combination of strings. Your problem is that you are trying a concatenate a userdata value (A Vector3 in this case).
A work around would be to list the x, y, and z values separately.
local vector3 = Vector3.new(1, 2, 3) print("Vector3 coordinates are: " .. vector3.x .. ", " .. vector3.y .. ", " .. vector3.z ) -- Output [Vector3 coordinates are: 1, 2, 3]