Eh.. Idk what to type due to I never knew :GetChildren() is a nil on a Model... ;-;
09:03:48.262 - Workspace.Map:54: attempt to call method 'GetChildren' (a nil value)
09:03:48.263 - Stack Begin
09:03:48.264 - Script 'Workspace.Map', Line 54 - global Map
09:03:48.264 - Script 'Workspace.Map', Line 73
09:03:48.265 - Stack End
local DataTable={} for _,a in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do for _,b in pairs(mv:GetChildren()) do if b.ClassName=='Model' and b.Name=='Spawns' then print(b.Name) for _,c in pairs(b.Name:GetChildren()) do print(c.Name) table.insert(DataTable,c.Position) local d=DataTable[math.random(1,#DataTable)] print(d) Teleport(d) end end end end
local DataTable={} for _,a in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do for _,b in pairs(mv:GetChildren()) do if b.ClassName=='Model' and b.Name=='Spawns' then print(b.Name) for _,c in pairs(b:GetChildren()) do --Messed up here. print(c.Name) table.insert(DataTable,c.Position) local d=DataTable[math.random(1,#DataTable)] print(d) Teleport(d) end end end end
The problem was that you put for _,c in pairs(b.Name:GetChildren()) do
. All you need is "b" because it uses an object value, not a string value. More about :GetChilden()