Now that the code is fixed (thanks to LordDragonZord) I wanted to know how I could make this code:
game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(Player) wait(.5) Player.CharacterAppearance = "" wait(15) Player:LoadCharacter()--Wait 15 seconds then respawn. end)
only change me to the character and no one else. Does anyone have some tips on doing this or something that might help?
game:service'Players'.playerAdded:connect(function(Player) Player:waitForChild'Backpack';--// Waits until they have a backpack, moreof character recognition. if(Player.userId==39704067)then--// 39704067 is Vividex's userId. wait(.5);--// A bit more delay. Player.CharacterAppearance='';--// Changed their appearance to the specified characterappearance. delay(15,function()--// Same as wait(15), but more efficient. if(Player and ypcall(function()assert(Player.Parent==game:service'Players','');end))then Player:loadCharacter(); end; end); end; end);
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