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How to make this Clone from ReplicatedStorage work?

Asked by 10 years ago

I am trying to make my part clone a Model called SimpleStructure from ReplicatedStorage to Workspace. I am getting error an error that says "SimpleStructure is not a valid member of Workspace". I Don't know how to change my script to work (More info on bottom)

SP = script.Parent   -- Variable

SP.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(function(clicked) -- When clicked, this function is called
    SimpleStructure = false -- Makes SimpleStructure False to clone it
    if game.Workspace.SimpleStructure == true then -- If SimpleStructure is true, it was cloned so destroy this part
        SP:Destroy() -- Destroys the part
    end -- This if statement is over
    if game.Workspace.SimpleStructure == false then -- Check to see if SimpleStructure is false, meaning not cloned
        game.ReplicatedStorage.SimpleStructure:Clone() -- Goes to ReplicatedStorage and takes SimpleStructure
        game.ReplicatedStorage.SimpleStructure:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace -- Clones SimpleStructure into Workspace
    end -- This if statement is over
end)-- Function is over

I think I have a bunch of problems? I have two if statements because I want this script to not be able to be clicked multiple times and clone the Model over and over while being clicked. So I thought of making it mark SimpleStructure. I want it to be able to see if SimpleStructure is inside of Workspace or not. If it is, Destroy the brick you need to click. If it isn't Clone it into Workspace.

1 answer

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Answered by
Thetacah 712 Moderation Voter
10 years ago

I cleared the script up, I can't read code with that many comments!(haha!)

I also removed a bunch of useless lines. You can't say if game.Workspace.SimpleStructure == true then, that model doesn't hold a boolvalue! So what I did was use the FindFirstChild to check if it was in the workspace, if it wasn't we cloned it and parented it to the workspace. If it did, we removed the click part. You shouldn't use two if statements when they're actually one, use else or elseif. We used the else statement which basically means if not in english since we don't need to make any other checks.

Your final script should look like this.

SP = script.Parent   

    if game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("SimpleStructure") then 
        game.ReplicatedStorage.SimpleStructure:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace 

If you are only going to destroy() the part if it's in the workspace, why not just use this sequence of code? If you are going to add other stuff into the if statement, use the code above. If not, you should use this code:

SP = script.Parent   

        game.ReplicatedStorage.SimpleStructure:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace 
end) --If this is all you need to do, use this!
Thank you so much! I never learned about FindFirstChild YET. This was a big help. alphawolvess 1784 — 10y
no problem! Glad I could help! Thetacah 712 — 10y

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