I am making a game with maps. But, this script is not spawning me in the track. Plus there was an error with it. Hope you understand what I am saying. I only made two. But I want it to work if I add more maps to it. This is the script and errors:
local checkpoint1 = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map1Beginner.Checkpoint1 local checkpoint2 = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map1Beginner.Checkpoint2 local checkpoint3 = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map1Beginner.Checkpoint3 local checkpoint1 = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map2Turning.Checkpoint1 local checkpoint2 = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map2Turning.Checkpoint2 local checkpoint3 = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map2Turning.Checkpoint3 local redLight = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map1Beginner.StartLight.RedModel.LightBulb.PointLight local yellowLight = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map1Beginner.StartLight.RedModel.LightBulb.PointLight local greenLight = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map1Beginner.StartLight.RedModel.LightBulb.PointLight local startBarrier = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map1Beginner.StartBarrier local redLight = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map2Turning.StartLight.RedModel.LightBulb.PointLight local yellowLight = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map2Turning.StartLight.YellowModel.LightBulb.PointLight local greenLight = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map2Turning.StartLight.GreenModel.LightBulb.PointLight local startBarrier = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map2Turning.StartBarrier local raceInProgress = false local lobbySpawn = game.Workspace.LobbySpawn local trackSpawn = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map1Beginner.TrackSpawn local lobbySpawn = game.Workspace.LobbySpawn local trackSpawn = game.Workspace.MapHolder.Map2Turning.TrackSpawn local minimumPlayers = 2 function destroyCars() for _, object in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do print(object.Name) if object.Name == "RaceCar" then print("This is the RC. Destroy it!") object:Destroy() end end end function createCars() for _, object in pairs(game.ServerStorage:GetChildren()) do local carCopy = object:Clone() carCopy.Parent = game.Workspace carCopy:MakeJoints() end end function showVictoryMessage(playerName) local message = Instance.new("Message") message.Text = playerName .. " has won!" message.Parent = game.Workspace wait(2) message:Destroy() end function checkpoint1hit(otherPart) print("Checkpoint 1") print(otherPart.Name) if otherPart ~= nil and otherPart.Parent ~= nil and otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then print("Someone hit me!") if not checkpoint1:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) then local playerTag = Instance.new("StringValue") playerTag.Parent = checkpoint1 playerTag.Name = otherPart.Parent.Name end if checkpoint3:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) and raceInProgress then print("Player wins!") raceInProgress = false showVictoryMessage(otherPart.Parent.Name) end end end function checkpoint2hit(otherPart) print("Checkpoint 2") print(otherPart.Name) if otherPart ~= nil and otherPart.Parent ~= nil and otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then print("Someone hit me!") if not checkpoint2:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) and checkpoint1:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) then local playerTag = Instance.new("StringValue") playerTag.Parent = checkpoint2 playerTag.Name = otherPart.Parent.Name end end end function checkpoint3hit(otherPart) print("Checkpoint 3") print(otherPart.Name) if otherPart ~= nil and otherPart.Parent ~= nil and otherPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then print("Someone hit me!") if not checkpoint3:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) and checkpoint2:FindFirstChild(otherPart.Parent.Name) then local playerTag = Instance.new("StringValue") playerTag.Parent = checkpoint3 playerTag.Name = otherPart.Parent.Name end end end checkpoint1.Touched:connect(checkpoint1hit) checkpoint2.Touched:connect(checkpoint2hit) checkpoint3.Touched:connect(checkpoint3hit) function startLightCycle() redLight.Enabled = true wait(1) redLight.Enabled = false yellowLight.Enabled = true wait(1) yellowLight.Enabled = false greenLight.Enabled = true end function removeBarrier() startBarrier.Transparency = 1 startBarrier.CanCollide = false end function resetLights() redLight.Enabled = false yellowLight.Enabled = false greenLight.Enabled = false end function resetBarrier() startBarrier.Transparency = .5 startBarrier.CanCollide = true end function clearCheckpoint(checkpoint) for _, object in pairs(checkpoint:GetChildren()) do if object.Name ~= "TouchInterest" then object:Destroy() end end end function teleportPlayers(target) for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do while player.Character == nil do wait() end local character = player.Character local torso = character:WaitForChild("Torso") torso.CFrame = target.CFrame end end wait(10) Maps = game.ServerStorage.Maps WaitTime = 120 -- change to amount of seconds while true do for i=0,#Maps do Maps[i]:Clone().Parent = workspace wait(WaitTime) Maps[i]:Destroy() wait(5) end end while true do -- wait for enough players before we start the game while game.Players.NumPlayers < minimumPlayers do wait() end -- setup racetrack -- turn off all lights resetLights() -- reset barrier resetBarrier() -- create all cars createCars() -- clear all checkpoints clearCheckpoint(checkpoint1) clearCheckpoint(checkpoint2) clearCheckpoint(checkpoint3) -- teleport all players to the racetrack teleportPlayers(trackSpawn) wait(5) -- start race -- start light cycle startLightCycle() -- remove barrier removeBarrier() raceInProgress = true -- wait for race to finish while raceInProgress == true do wait() end wait(2) -- delete all cars destroyCars() wait(2) -- teleport all players to the lobby teleportPlayers(lobbySpawn) wait(10) end
11:48:43.477 - Use the new http api: no 11:48:51.374 - Started network server on|53640 11:48:51.376 - Started network server on|53640 11:48:51.840 - Successfully opened file - C:/Users/Window 7/AppData/Local/Roblox/server.rbxl 11:49:01.683 - ServerScriptService.MapScript:157: attempt to get length of global 'Maps' (a userdata value) 11:49:01.684 - Stack Begin 11:49:01.690 - Script 'ServerScriptService.MapScript', Line 157 11:49:01.691 - Stack End 11:49:03.807 - New connection from|63084 11:49:04.173 - New connection from|63086 Player -1 added Player -2 added
The error is on line 157 by the way. Please help. Thank you.
Change line 154 to this:
Maps = game.ServerStorage.Maps:GetChildren()
On line 157, you are treating Maps as a Table, which it isn't. GetChildren()
returns a Table of all Children of the Model.
On lines 141 to 150, try changing the function to this:
function teleportPlayers(target) for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do if player.Character then player.Character:WaitForChild("Torso").CFrame = target.CFrame wait() end end end