This has no error, and its in a GUI but the wait(function() end) will not respond.
local DS=game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("AnsweredCorrect") print'got DS' function DATA_Service_UPDATE() local plr=script.Parent.Parent.Parent local key = 'user_'..plr.userId print'got key' wait(function() -- This doesnt respond, but it doesnt error. :/ Im not sure what the error is. -- Any idea? DS:UpdateAsync(key, function(oldValue) print'Updated Ansy()' local newValue = oldValue or 0 print'oldValue or 0' newValue = game.Players[plr.Name]['leaderstats']['Correct Guess\'s & Credits'].Value print'leaderstats + 0' game.Players[plr.Name]['leaderstats']['Correct Guess\'s & Credits'].Value=(newValue) print'added stats' print(newValue) return newValue end) print'returned oldValue or 0' end) end