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Finding all Frames then turning them invisible help?

Asked by 9 years ago

Hello. I have gotten a lot more experienced at scripting now but I have doubts about this script. Here it is,

for i, v in pairs(script.Parent.Parent:GetChildren()) do -- find all screengui's
    for k, r in pairs(v:GetChildren()) do -- find all frames
        if r:IsA("Frame") then -- if a frame then
            r:IsA("Frame").Visible = false -- turn it invisible

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Answered by
adark 5487 Badge of Merit Moderation Voter Community Moderator
9 years ago

Your code will only find Frames directly inside of ScreenGuis, not any Frames within those Frames.

Now, assuming that's intentional, your problem is line 4 in the above. The IsA method returns true or false. Booleans do not have a Visible property, you want to modify the property on the Frame itself. Simply change line 4 to this:

r.Visible = false
Thank you. raystriker6707 30 — 9y

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