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Finding Players through Non-Local Scripts?

Asked by 10 years ago

I took a break from LUA for a while, I forgot how to find players through scripts. So I am trying to make an interaction with certain areas, so I need to find the player who set off the script. Any help from anyone will be noble.

    player.PlayerGUI.Crack.Frame.Visible = true

Output PlayerGUI is not a valid member of Player

Please help me with my problem.

PlayerGui instead of PlayerGUI MessorAdmin 598 — 10y
They mark me down but I don't see ether of them answering the question. MessorAdmin 598 — 10y

2 answers

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Answered by 10 years ago

PlayerGui Capitalization

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Answered by
MrCss 0
10 years ago

Use a module script and localscript and connect then then make a value with value of plrs name :D

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