I need help scripting :/
But I am a good builder...
Here are a few sources to help you on your way to become a better scripter.
Roblox Wiki - It is probably THE BEST website you can use to learn how to script. It will teach you the basics of printing to taking you to how to add developer products to your game. It is packed with tutorials and if you are to ask a lot of scripters they most likely will say they used the wiki to learn.
YouTube - Just looking up ROBLOX scripting tutorials you will immediately get nearly 30,000 results, even the basics of scripting from ROBLOX. I have used YouTube every now and then and it probably will help you find mistakes in your work since it provides more visual aids.
Free Models - Alright you might be thinking, I don't want my game to get called out for Free Models. You can always learn from scripts, sometimes it just helps to be able to translate a script, see what goes where or how a portion of the script works. Just learning from other people's experience will make you a much better scripter easily.
Scripting Helpers - We're always here to help. We do not take requests, but if you're ever have problems with a script you can always come to us for advice or help solve a problem. We are here to be a good community filled with people passionate about scripting and will be willing to help anyone who may need it.
Hope these sources help.