I've tried and tried and I can't figure out why this won't place a part in the workspace at the position of the mouse. Can anyone help?
plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer local part = game.Lighting.BuildObjects:FindFirstChild(script.Parent.itemName.Value) if part and not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild("transPart"..plr.Name)then local transPart = part:Clone() transPart.Name = "transPart"..plr.Name for i, v in pairs(transPart:GetChildren())do v.Transparency = .5 v.CanCollide = false end transPart.Parent = game.Workspace while true do wait(.01) local m = plr:GetMouse() if m.Target == nil then return end transPart:MoveTo(Vector3.new(m.Origin)) end end