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Links to some information on permissions?

Asked by 10 years ago

I want to make a button that when clicked opens a GUI but I want different ranks in my group to have different options on the Gui. Can someone tell me what I should search the wiki for when it comes to group permissions?

GetRankInGroup, say someone can kick, someone higher can ban. You could do if Plr:GetRankInGroup(123456)>=5 then kick.Visible = true end and on the next line if Plr:GetRankInGroup(123456) >=7 then ban.Visible = true end, You will have to mess around with some of these. M39a9am3R 3210 — 10y
What have you tried? GoldenPhysics 474 — 10y
Getrankingroup is what I needed, thanks Champion121212 22 — 10y

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