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How do I find the player who clicked on a TextButton on a surfacegui? [closed]

Asked by 10 years ago

I need to find the player after a textbutton in a surfacegui is clicked on, but I don't know how to retrieve the player, unlike a textbutton in a screengui. How can I do this?

Locked by NinjoOnline, EzraNehemiah_TF2, Redbullusa, and BlueTaslem

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Answered by 10 years ago

This is actually pretty simple. All you have to do is put the SurfaceGui inside StarterGui then use a LocalScript to get game.Players.LocalPlayer then Adornee it to the part with this: script.Parent.Parent.Adornee = game.Workspace.Part (Hopefully you should know how to edit it. Change Part to wherever the Part is located in Workspace, and change script.Parent.Parent to wherver the SurfaceGui is, NOT the button.)

Hope this helped and make sure +1 and accept if this worked. If it didnt then please reply and I will answer any questions you need answered.

  • NinjoOnline


1local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
2script.Parent.Parent.Adornee = game.Workspace.VIPRoom.Frame.Picture
4    player.leaderstats.Level.Value = 10
5    player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0


Family Tree:

2    Workspace
3        VIPRoom
4            Frame
5                Picture
6    StarterGui
7        SkipGui
8            Button
9                LocalScript

The above is just a bit more just incase you get confused.

Thank you! whyOmustOitObeOme 7 — 10y
np :D Just made a last minute edit just in-case. Thanks for the +1 and accept, hope I helped and explained as much as possible. NinjoOnline 1146 — 10y