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How do I make my script check if it is frozen?

Asked by 9 years ago

My script seems to always work fine, but at some points it freezes for unknown reasons.

It freezes at this point of the main script:

.Text = "New round will begin soon..." wait(3) h.Text = "Choosing random game..." wait(3)

So in order to restart the entire game/script I created another script, but this script isn't working at all. This script's only goal is to regen the entire game.

Could anyone tell me what exactly I need to fix?

`local regen_track = game.ReplicatedStorage while script.Disabled == false do wait(15) -- time before checking if game is broken if workspace.Hint.Text == "Choosing Random game" then local function delete(parent) for i,v in pairs(dlt) do local object = parent:findFirstChild(v) if object then object:Destroy() end end end

regen_track.Changed:connect(function() if regen_track.Value >= needed and not regening then regening = true game.Teams:ClearAllChildren() delete(Workspace) script.Parent.Disabled = true wait(1) script.Parent.Disabled = false regen_track.Value = 0 regening = false end end)

script.Disabled = true

end end `

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